Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dear Sister

There is so much I want to say, but in the end I can't seem to put down the words right. Just know that I love you and Happy Birthday.

See you later.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cars, Mars, and Canning jars

So, I'm now in the after GRE period. I took my test. I studied. I did okay. I wanted to to better and I probably could have, but it is just what happens. I blame jet lag and I blame myself that I could have gone that extra hour a day, but it is over :).

During my GRE time I ate healthy and was organized. After coming back I cheated more with chocolate than I should have... It is time to be mean again and settle down to my writing schedule and no more chocolate cheating. What is the used of eating all these fruits and veggies during the day if I just eat chocolate at night? lol

Tonight I'm not having my tuna without a side of chocolate... Sad? Yeah a little, but I remember how I felt when I was off of it. So I'll just think of that :).
Also I'm going to deep clean and organize my apartment. I can't live in that for six months. I need a good environment not only for my health, but for my writing.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Beeswax and a Choppin' Ax...

I'm in the middle of a battle, or war... Focusing on my writing has become a battle and my apartment is a war-zone! This morning I was going to flesh out my character a bit and since I woke up at 7 I would have all day to do this and finish... or so I thought... Here is how my day went:

7am Wake up and pretend to be asleep so my dog doesn't notice.
7:10 My dog notices.
8am Settle down on my computer and start getting details about their lives sorted out.
9am Trying to think of a meaningful name for a character.
9:30 Get antsy and have a random dance party to Blonde in my apartment and scare my dog...
9:45 Write a few sentences and then delete them.
10:15 Yell at myself for wasting time and sit down for the rest of the hour and write.
11:15 Braid my dogs tail... He was NOT happy...
11:30 Delete what I wrote.
11:35 Dance Party to Britney Spears... And scare my dog again.
11:50 Check my email.
12:00 AWESOME PHONE CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:45 Pick up my burritos :D.
2:30 Look over what I did today and write a few more sentences.
2:45 I like these sentences and then I decide to blog.
3pm Mentally yelling at myself and going to go write a good 500 words even if it kills me.

So that has been my day :D. I still have a few hours left to write so I don't feel terrible yet... haha.

Monday, August 15, 2011

One of the hard lessons in life....

I wanted to go to Japan. I bought the ticket and I was about to book a place to stay. Then I had to really think about it. I just got back from the states. I spent too much money, but I'm still in good shape.
However, going to Japan is something I just can't afford right now. It saddens me, but I know I shouldn't spend money I don't have. It also falls around a bad time in which I have to have more than half of my grad apps due. So the money I used to buy the ticket? Well, it is going to grad apps. I just hope I get in now. The timing just didn't work out.

It is always about money... ugh.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Chickpeas and Dirty Knees.

I'm back in Korea and so far it has been a rough two days. When I first started to travel my jet lag wasn't too bad. Now, it hits me with a brutal force every time. I feel like I'm swimming in my head, my body is sore, and I just want to sleep. Also this time I got a fun little clot. Now I'm taking blood thinners and I get to go get tested again on Thursday. No danger. It isn't serious. The doctors always tell me that here... They never think my pain is worth anything lol.
But good new... My blood pressure is normal... I guess being sleepy is good for it or something. Oh well, Now that I'm back I have to be healthy again. I'm actually doing good. The old me would have eaten every snack I brought back from America in the time of one hour. I have yet to touch anything, but a mini candy bar. I'm telling myself it is okay to eat something I like as long as I don't be a complete pig about it... Working so far! I suppose I'll have to put tuna or something in my mac and cheese... LAME!

So this summer camp is a bit different from what I am used too. Last year my school bought the books and I just taught and had lots of desk-warming time. This year my school is only having 4 days of summer camp, but we have to make the materials. The teachers are having me draw 24 world maps. I told them that I'm not good at drawing so hopefully they are too disappointed about how awful they look. I tried to make a pattern and trace... Apparently the world is hard to trace. I wish they would just spend the few dollars and buy some maps.
Also I'm writing the scripts for the conversation next week. This I like. I would rather write than draw any day.
I also have babysitting. Today they wanted to add another babysitting class, but when I went they told me to go downstairs. There wasn't another class. It was my 3 o'clock class. So I went away and called my coteacher. So, the head of teachers is going to come and tell me what is going on sometime today. He doesn't speak English and he thinks I understand korean... This will be interesting. I really wish they could be more organized, but I would just be wasting thoughts.
After this week, I hope I will be over this jet lag and I can start my writing samples. I need to be finished after I get back from Japan so I can send a sample to my references. Maybe they will get a second draft...
Anyone want to edit? ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sing a Song?

"Principal said English Teachers are good singers."

After I heard this, I knew I was in trouble.

A school that is next to ours had a music festival for their schools birthday. The principal from my school went. She thought, "Out school is better than that school and we can do more than they can."

So on October 1st (a saturday and a three day weekend that I was looking forward to, not anymore I guess haha), we are having a sports day in the morning and a musical festival in the afternoon and also my drama class will be performing.

The best part is... I have to be in the teachers choir. I'm a little scared about this... Not the singing part, but the 'when we are practicing part'. If they practice during the school day... Fine, I'll sing my heart out, but if they hold me here after school. I will be one grumpy singer haha. It is times like this where I hate causing a problem. It is just I can't stay late, because I have to get home to let my dog out and to feed him. Otherwise he will pee all over and sometimes vomit if he doesn't get food.

When I tell this to a Korean they say, "He isn't a child." I reply, "Yeah, I know. If he was... He probably could feed himself and let himself out." dur.

Also, since I've been here I know how they put things off until the last minute... So maybe there won't even be a lot of practicing...

This is how the sun shines.

Last night after getting back from Seoul I was in a mood for a movie. As I paged through my DVDs I saw an old favorite, "Little Miss Sunshine."

As I watched this movie again I thought about what made it so great. Usually in movies there is a problem and then it is solved and everyone is happy. In this movie all the problems of the characters were still there in the end, but they kept on. It showed a part of this families life and their struggles with living and with each other.

I guess the main thing I like is how real it is to life. It shows people at their best and worse. It shows that lifes problems can't be solved in an instant, but sometimes we do something right and then our problems seem less for a bit.

Sometimes it is good to have those movies that give us the "awwww I'm happy cause the boy got the girl and they are together," or the "Yay! The hero killed the bad guy!" Then it is good to have those movies, that show a bit of ourselves in them.
