Thursday, March 10, 2011


All new starts are rough. Most nights I watch tv show after tv show until it is too late and I go to bed. Today, I was starting something new. I am actually pretty proud of myself. I only watched 40 minutes of tv today... Whooo yay me! I finished a book, drug my dog outside, and played my dusty guitar. I want to try and play my guitar everyday this month.I want to regain ground so I can go back to lessons in April... We'll see how the money thing works out.

As far as writing ha, that is taking time. One bad sentence at a time. I hammer those buggers out in some fierce editing :).

Anyways things are pretty crazy at my school. I always think that things aren't really that bad, but sometimes my coworkers like to just make it a bit dramatic. Really. That is all I'll say hahaha.

I have some great sixth graders this year. Last year the sixth grade didn't care... at all. This year they are... dum dum dum.... Asking questions! What??????? They are really fun and I am hoping with all my heart strings that they will stay this way. So I'm trying extra hard to stay motivated during class. Their English is awesome too. They understand me! What??????????? hahaha
In my 6-2 class there is this sweet boy that sits in the front and I swear his attention never wavers. He takes it all in. He also helps me move desks and is just a sweetheart in general. It is times like this when I actually wish I could talk to the moms and say what a wonderful child they have. Really. I wish I could.

As for the fifth... yeah.... I have nothing to say.... hahaha

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