Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Banana Runts

I have been reading another blog about a girl in Korea and I love the way she states things. It is very entertaining. Sometimes I wish I could write like her and be able to make every story in my life a funny/interesting one. I guess it is a bit easier here with the different cultures clashing, but I find that I tend to rush out the story so I can get to the punch line, so everyone can enjoy the story too... However, you need the story and not just the ending... Reading over my writing I can tell where I really enjoyed writing a part and where I rushed something to just get to the next one... The solution... To LOVE all the parts! ha yeah... I'll work on that.

To tell a little story about how things are going at my new school I will introduce you to my new coteachers. Who are fresh and wide-eyed out of college. They are looking to me to know what is going on and I have told them many a time that I'm the last person who knows anything. I just make up my own rules and that has been working wonderously :D. They don't agree. One teacher I will call Sunny and the other Young.

Sunny has somehow lost a game of rock scissors paper and is the teacher in charge of me. I did ask if she lost with Young and she insisted that it was assigned... Yeah Sunny like I'm falling for that one ;). She is really fun to tease and poor thing is an easy target which just gets me going. I wish I wasn't like that and that I wouldn't tease those easy targets, but IT IS JUST TOO GOOD. I don't even have to try hard...

Sunny: This is peach ice tea you can make it.
Me: Just add water?
Sunny: Yes, a little hot water to mix then some cold.
Me: Then it is warm tea not ice...

Then she looks at my serious face (which is the key) and I give her a few seconds and laugh. "Oh you stop tease me!"

Maybe I should say that even the littlest bit of sarcasim gets lost here and it can be either fun or annoying, but right now I'm having fun with it. All in all Sunny is a good soul and I feel bad for her already with having to put up with me.

Young is interesting she is the same age as me, but I feel like she is much older. She always comes into my office (first takes a look at my computer screen ;) )and plans the lessons (big change for my old school and a nice one). She likes to stay and talk with me, but after awhile it gets awkward cause I have nothing else to say... Well I have things to say, but not things I want the whole school to know. They aren't bad things, but when you tell one korean you tell them all and it is weird having someone come up to you the next day and mention a conversation that you had with someone else. It is weird and I don't like it. So I keep conversations to the bare minimum and I don't really say much of interest... However.

Korean co teacher: You get lonely sometimes?
Me: Yeah around Christmas I guess. It was hard last year.
KCT: Ah I see

Next day

Young: You are really lonely.
Me: Huh?
Young: KCT said you are lonely.
Me: Oh yeah... Christmas...

Now the hot topic is my dog Casanova... hahaha. I am interesting. Didn't you know?

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