Thursday, June 16, 2011

Such a Charming Man.

This morning I woke up too early and before my alarm. This was a good thing for my dog Casanova since that meant a little more walking time in the morning. So he was doing his thing and this guy walks up and starts clicking his tongue at him. Now, a friend and I have talked about this and we both hate it. It is really distracting for my dog (who loves everyone) to try and poop and then someone is trying to get his attention. This causes my dog to jump up in the middle of pooping and then that gets poop on his hair... guess who gets to cut that out? Not the people clicking their tongues...
Also I get annoyed when people pet him while he is pooping... Come on... How would you like to be touched while doing your thing?

Anyways back to my new friend. He clicking at my dog and then he asked where I was from. I told him "the U.S." He asked me if I spoke korean and I said no. So he starts going through his bag. I just follow my dog and let him wander a bit. My dog is now walking off and I follow and the man yells "Hey Hey" I say "Goodbye" and follow my dog and pick up his second poo. While I'm doing that the man catches up and pulls out a paper with people who have really bad acne. Then he points to my face...

Ummmm. I don't care what culture you are from. It is rude to go up to a stranger on the street and point at their acne. I would also like to say that mine isn't as bad as those pictures. So I wave him away and he is trying to get me to sit at some tables. Right now I'm picking up dogs poop and I'm not in the mood to have someone pointing at my face. I say goodbye again and he follows with a "Hey hey!" Sadly my dog has to poop for the THIRD time and I have to stop and pick it up. The man runs over and then trips on my poor dog (who was actually standing still). Casanova runs over to me with his ears back. I glare at the man and comfort my dog.

The man says, "Here sit sit."

I say, "I have no time."

While I walk into my building I hear,"Hey, hey!"

I wonder if this charming man is single? ugh.

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